Our Programs
Newport County Prevention Coalition creates, implements and advocates for effective strategies in substance use prevention and to promote the safety and well-being of Newport County citizens. A key focus of the coalition is community ownership for resolving local substance misuse issues. NCPC includes representation from, but not limited to, parents, students, teachers, businesses, school department, elected officials, faith organizations, youth organizations, the medical community, persons with disabilities, police department, senior citizens, community development groups, town government, and town organizations.

Hidden in Plain Sight
Hidden in Plain Sight is a prevention program aimed at revealing to parents the many new products available to youth for substance use and the ways to conceal potential use and risky behaviors. Set up as a mock teenagers bed room, Hidden in Plain Sight is an interactive experience giving parents an opportunity to see the many products that may indicate the likelihood of substance use. Hidden in Plain Sight is meant to bring awareness and give parents information that will encourage meaningful conversations with their teens.

Grandfamily Support
Did you know that 13,000 Children in Rhode Island Are Being Raised by Their Grandparents? Caregiving for grandchildren is a unique experience that can put a strain on family dynamics in many different ways. Newport County Prevention Coalition offers a support group for grandparents who are the primary caregivers for their grandchildren by providing an opportunity to come together and provide mutual support to each other. Meetings are based on the availability of interested participants and facilitated by a social worker from Child & Family Services.

Naloxone Training
Naloxone, or more commonly known as Narcan®, is a safe medication that can save someone’s life by reversing the effects of an opioid overdose. Free Naloxone trainings and Naloxone kits are available for individuals or local business. Newport County Prevention Coalition is committed to helping reduce opioid-related overdose deaths by offering trainings on the signs of an overdose, administering Naloxone and the Good Samaritan Law to any business, community group, faith-based establishments, or community organizations.

Faith Initiative
The Faith Initiative was developed to assist local faith communities understand substance misuse and offer trainings, resources, and information on how to offer help. Newport County Prevention Coalition engages faith leaders to decrease behavioral health stigma by viewing addiction as a chronic brain disease and not a moral failure.

Safe Homes – Underage Drinking
The Safe Homes initiative engages parents to take concrete actions to protect their children from underage drinking. Parents can significantly decrease the likelihood of underage drinking among their children and their children’s friends by doing four actions in their home.
Count It! Lock It! Drop It!®
A comprehensive diversion control program to prevent prescription drugs from getting into the wrong hands! The program, part of Newport County Prevention’s Project Lazarus, was developed as a response to the county’s rising drug overdose epidemic by promoting safe prescription medication monitoring and storage in the home and the proper disposal of unused or unwanted medications utilizing community drop boxes located at most police departments.!

Drug Take-Back Days
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day reflects our commitment to community safety and health, encouraging the public to remove unneeded medications from their homes to help prevent medication and opioid misuse.
Drug Take Back Days are scheduled every April and October at all Newport County police stations. Medication can be dropped off for safe disposal, no questions asked. Coalition volunteers are on hand to provide assistance.

Medication Safety
It is too easy for your child or teen to access drugs left on kitchen or bathroom counters and medicine cabinets. Securely store ALL painkillers and other common drugs. The Newpoprt County Prevention Coalition offer free medication lock bags via mail for anyone is interested.

The Reach Newsletter
A monthly publication designed to inform Newport County residents about the Coalition and the various ongoing initiatives available to those in our community.

Totally Preventable Podcasts
Created to provide awareness, prevention education, resources, and support within our community for behavioral health and social causes that maybe you didn’t know existed! Every resident of Newport County can positively impact the social issues their community experiences, it’s just a matter of understanding the challenges we all face. We invite compelling speakers from amazing local organizations and passionate residents with unique life stories to share their insight with you.

Project Lazarus
Newport County Prevention Coalition addresses opiate misuse using the public health model, Project Lazarus. Project Lazarus increases awareness of opioid overdose risk as well as the availability of prevention, treatment and recovery services.

PEER Productions
Empowering middle and high school students to share their creative talents through media. PEER Productions is a youth-led and youth-focused program that encourages young people to speak out against substance use and risky behaviors through the arts. This program supports the power of creativity and storytelling to amplify the voices of young people and create positive change in their communities. The program provides a safe and inclusive space for young people to express themselves through writing, acting, filmmaking, music or graphic design with stories on big theme issues such as mental health topics.
Rhody Coasters
The Rhody Coaster is designed to provide bars with safe drinking resources encouraging a fun yet responsible night out when at their favorit bar or restaurant! Scan the QR code to be linked to resources such as a Blood Alcohol Calculator (BAC), links to local cab companies or car services such as Uber and Lyft, plus information about underage drinking prevention and the Social Host Law.
If you would like to volunteer or want to learn more about any of our programs, please reach out to us and we will be in touch shortly. Thank you!
Office Address:
300 High Point Ave., Portsmouth, RI 02871
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 173, Adamsville, RI 02801
Phone: 1.401.835.5311