Safe Homes
The Safe Homes initiative engages parents to take concrete actions to protect their children from underage drinking. Parents can significantly decrease the likelihood of underage drinking among their children and their children’s friends by doing four actions in their home.
The top factors that impact youth alcohol use, especially among young drinkers are:
Accessibility of alcohol (most first alcohol use is a result of taking alcohol from the home without parent knowledge)
Clear messages from parents or guardians
Youth try alcohol because often it is readily available and considered socially acceptable. Half of all high school seniors have already consumed alcohol before graduation.
Schools may teach about alcohol and drug risks, but they alone can’t prevent underage drinking.

Prevention Starts in the Home
Parents are their children’s primary influence. When parents across the community join together and take a united stand against underage drinking the results are effective.
Four concrete actions:
1. Secure all alcohol in the home; keep alcohol out of the hands of youth.
2. Talk to their children about the risks associated with alcohol use.
3. Never purchase alcohol for youth under 21 and no not allow youth to drink in their home or on their property.
4. Speak to other parents about not allowing visiting youth to use alcohol at their homes.
NCPC offers parent workshops upon request to address these topics.
What is the Social Host Law?
Social Hosting refers to adults who knowingly or unknowingly host underage drinking parties on their property, regardless who supplies the booze. It’s all about the property the crime is being committed on. The primary purpose of the Social Host Law (RI General Laws 3-8-11.1) is to deter underage drinking parties or gatherings where adults allow minors to drink alcohol, whether or not they provide it.
First Offense: Any person over the age of 18 who violates the law shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $500.
Second and Subsequent Offenses: Any person who violates the law shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000, a term of imprisonment not to exceed one year, or both.
You may be required to make restitution or incur criminal charges if someone is hurt, suffers from alcohol poisoning, or is killed as a result of drinking alcohol on your property.
The Goals of Safe Homes
• Educate parents about adolescent use of alcohol and to support parents in establishing a clear “No Use” message.
• Encourage parents to openly communicate with one another about parenting concerns.
• Assist parents in establishing reasonable guidelines regarding youth alcohol use.
• Encourage parents to support youth involvement in alcohol-free activities.
The Safe Homes Promise
• I will provide a secure storage place for alcohol in my home.
• I will communicate the risks of alcohol use with my children.
• I will not allow the possession or use of alcohol by youth in my home or on my property.
• I will communicate with other parents about my family’s expectations of no alcohol use by my children.
Become a Safe Homes Family!
If you want to learn more about the Safe Homes Program, please reach out to us and we will be in touch shortly. Thank you!
Office Address:
300 High Point Ave., Portsmouth, RI 02871
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 173, Adamsville, RI 02801
Phone: 1.401.835.5311