Listening Sessions
Newport County Behavioral Health Listening Sessions
The Community Listening Session series began as an effort to better understand the needs of Newport County residents who have experience with accessing mental health and substance use services or have a family member who has experience with behavioral health treatment. The listening session series was designed to create a regional snapshot of key behavioral healthcare experiences. Through this initiative, No Wrong Door was able to collect opinions on “what works” in terms of existing supports/programs as well as areas of improvement for new or existing supports. Through our six listening sessions, we were able to engage with 70 Newport County residents. This report is a compilation of the information obtained throughout this series and concludes with findings and recommendations.
On behalf of Strategic Prevention Partnerships, we would like to thank each person who participated in the Listening Session Series and the community organizers who encouraged residents to attend and share their experiences. Thank you to the Newport Public Library, Middletown Public Library, Portsmouth Public Library, Tiverton Public Library, Jamestown Philomenian Library and the Little Compton Community Center for allowing us to host the sessions at your locations. Lastly, Thank you to the Newport County Prevention Coalition staff who supported this initiative.
Derived from the Listening Sessions, here is a list of the barriers identified by local residents to access mental health/substance use services and behavioral health treatment. In addition, this document lists the actions taken by No Wrong Door coordinators in response to those barriers and when the initiatives first took place.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or just want to learn more about Listening Sessions, please reach out to us and we will be in touch shortly. Thank you!
Office Address:
300 High Point Ave., Portsmouth, RI 02871
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 173, Adamsville, RI 02801
Phone: 1.401.835.5311